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Support us
The Residents Association is run entirely by volunteers who do everything from managing the gardeners who look after Estate land and collecting the annual Houses service charge, to running this website and liaising with Ealing Council on conservation and planning matters.
If you value living in this unique community, there are lots of ways to contribute:
Get to know your neighbours: Do you know the people in the houses and flats immediately surrounding yours? If not, knock on the door and say hello! Knowing your neighbours is good for security, a brilliant source of information if you are new to the area and helpful for taking in deliveries, too.
Give your time: There's always something to do, whether it's organising a social event, lobbying the Council, attending consultations, looking after a section of service road or collecting the Houses annual service charge. It's important and rewarding work, and needn't take up more than a few hours of your time. Or consider a more formal role co-ordinating our activities. Email volunteer@hhgera.com to find out more.
Keep the Estate clean and tidy: Ensure you dispose of your own waste responsibly, pick up any rubbish you notice around the Estate, and share bin space if your neighbours have filled up their bins. The Estate's green spaces, including front gardens, make it special: look after your garden and see the smiles as people pass by.
Pay your share: All residents of houses (as opposed to flats) on the Estate contribute £60 a year to the costs of maintaining and improving the service roads, boundary fences, gardens and other shared areas owned by householders collectively via Hanger Hill Garden Estate Residents Ltd. Please pay your service charge promptly when asked. There is a separate and much larger service charge for Flats, administered by the Flats management company.
Become a collector: The houses service charge is collected by a network of volunteers who each collect from around 20 of their neighbours. Email volunteer@hhgera.com if you would like to join this group.
Come to meetings: We would urge everyone who lives on the Estate to attend the Annual General Meeting, when key decisions are taken.
Give your money: The Association is run on a shoestring, and we welcome legacies and gifts if residents or their families are generous enough to offer them. Contact the Chairman if you would like to explore ways of giving something extra to the Estate.
Local businesses: Local businesses were very generous in funding the Princes Gardens restoration project and reguarly support Association events. We are considering introducing a membership scheme for local businesses serving the Estate, and/or advertising on this website. Use the Contact Form if you have views or would like to help develop this initiative.