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Houses service roads
The service roads behind the houses on Vale Lane, Princes Gardens, Tudor Gardens and between Princes Gardens and Monks Drive are owned by HHGE Residents Ltd, a private limited company, and managed by a Houses Management Board (part of Hanger Hill Garden Estate Residents Association).

Repairs to the service road between Princes Gardens and Monks Drive in 2005. This work cost £26,000, which was paid by residents living there - not from service charge.
In 2008, in response to residents' requests, gates were installed at the entrances to the service roads to combat previous problems with burglaries, garage break-ins, graffiti, illegal commuter parking, abandoned cars and fly tipping.
The rules governing use of these service roads are appended to the HHGERA constitution and can be downloaded by clicking the link below.
Please report any problems with these service road gates or locks to gates@hhgera.com. A charge is made for replacement broken keys (see below).
Parking is not permitted on service roads as they must be kept clear for emergency and recycling vehicles.
The gates must be kept locked at all times and residents are asked to be considerate about noise when opening and closing them, especially late at night. Wheelie bins should be left out for collection on the appropriate day but must not be kept permanently on service roads (local police advise they may be used by intruders to climb into back gardens). No rubbish of any sort may be left in the service roads unless it's in a wheelie bin for collection.
Skip permits
A new system of skip permits was introduced in 2019 to ensure builders' skips do not block the roads for recycling collection and other users. The cost of a permit is £40 for the first month and £10 a week thereafter. Click here for an application form and guidance notes.
Ordering gate keys
New keys cost £45, which includes a refundable deposit of £25. Since 24th March 2022, when the HHGERA Annual General Meeting approved amendments to its Constitution, you will only be issued with a key if a Deed of Easement is in place for the property. There's more information on the Deed of Easement and a template Deed on the 'Selling your house' page on this website. Email gates@hhgera.com if you do not have a Deed of Easement and would like to put one in place.
For security reasons, they will only be issued if you can show proof of residence on the Estate and your house is up to date with payment of service charge.
Click here for full details of how to apply. Payment must be made by bank transfer, then call Jane on 0208 752 0445 for an appointment to collect your key/s from:
Japan Services
2 Queens Drive
West Acton
London W3 0HA
Tel. 0208 752 0445
If you notice problems with service road keys or gates, please email gates@hhgera.com.
Document downloads
Service roads - rules of use - click here
Skips application form - click here
Application form for keys - click here
Application form for refund - click here
HHGERA constitution, showing service road zones at Annex A2 - click here
Frequently asked questions
Can I park my car in the service road?
No. You are not allowed to park any vehicle in the service roads as they must be kept clear for emergency, refuse and fire service vehicles. Temporary parking to load and unload vehicles is of course permitted. Abandoned and unlicensed vehicles will be removed and the owner charged.
Why are the service roads divided into zones?
The Residents Association consulted the Ealing police Crime Prevention Team who strongly advised the creation of separate zones as a means of increasing security and to develop a sense of community.
Why do I have to have a Deed of Easement to get a key?
A Deed of Easement is a legal document that grants the owner of a house on our Estate the right of access to garages and rear gardens via the gated service roads. In return the owner agrees to pay a contribution towards the cost of maintenance & repairs of the service road security gates, the communal gardens, estate boundaries and legal / administration costs. This is fair to other owners and will help ensure the Estate continues to be properly maintained into the future.
Many houses already have Deeds in place but if your house has not been sold recently it may be necessary to get one. This is a simple process - there's more information and a template Deed on the 'Selling your house' page on this website. Email gates@hhgera.com if you do not have a Deed of Easement and would like to put one in place.
Do all the gates have the same key?
No - each zone gate has its own unique key which is different from the others.
Can I have keys to more than one zone?
You will normally only be allocated a key to the gate corresponding to your zone, where you have a right of access to your garage.
Why don't all the gates have the same key?
The fewer people hold keys to any gate, the fewer problems and security issues there are likely to be. This also makes it quicker and cheaper to change the lock, if need be.
What's to stop the wrong people obtaining keys?
Requests must be made in person using the official application form. To ensure security and reduce the chances of fraudulent use of keys, applicants will be asked to present proof of residence (for example a tenancy agreement, council tax bill or utility bill).
Where do I get an application form?
Click here to download one.
Where do I go if I need more than one key?
Duplicates can be ordered at a cost of £45 per key (of which £25 is refundable deposit), using the application form, up to a maximum of two keys per house. Payment must be made by bank transfer, then call Jane on 0208 752 0445 for an appointment to collect your key/s from Japan Services.
I'm a tenant. Do I have to pay and arrange to get the key or will my landlord?
There is no set answer to this question, but most landlords expect tenants to arrange their own keys, especially when renting through an estate agent. At the end of your tenancy, you can hand the key back to the Estate Office (assuming it is in good condition) and receive a refund of the £25 deposit.
I don't own a car. Do I have to have a key?
No. But most residents want to be able to access the service roads for deliveries, removing waste etc.
Can I get my key money back if I move out?
The £45 per house contribution to installation of the gates was very modest, thanks to a £10,000 grant from Ealing Council, and included a £25 deposit for the first gate key for each house. Key deposits are refundable on return of the key in good condition, with the original receipt.
What arrangements must I make for builders' skips?
Skips should never be left in service roads in such a way that they could block emergency vehicles access or make it impossible for the council's large refuse vehicles to get around on collection days (normally Wednesday or Thursday).
A system of skip permits ensures they are only placed safely. Click here for an application form and more information.
How do vans and lorries gain access to remove waste, deliver heavy items etc?
Residents should arrange to meet delivery vehicles and unlock the gates so they can get in and out again. Keys should not be left with the driver and gates should never be left open while unsupervised.
How can lorries get out if there's not enough room to turn?
On some service roads, it's possible to turn or exit via another gate but in others it is necessary to reverse out. This makes it doubly important service roads are kept clear of parked cars, badly placed skips and other impediments. In case of emergency, residents should contact the Residents Association via gates@hhgera.com.
How will emergency services and utility vehicles gain access?
Keys have been lodged with the police, fire service, Thames Water and Ealing Council's rubbish/recycling teams.
If the gate or lock is broken or damaged who do I report it to?
Report it by emailing gates@hhgera.com - don't forget to say which gate you're talking about. The gates are now outside their 10-year guarantee period but a rolling programme of replacements is under way.
If the gate or lock is damaged and my car is stuck inside, how do I get someone to fix it immediately?
Email gates@hhgera.com or ask a neighbour to assist.
My keys have been stolen, with my address. Do you need to change the locks?
You would obviously be advised to change your house locks if these keys have also been taken and the thieves could know where you live. Theft of gate keys should be reported via the Contact Form. A risk assessment will then be made and a decision taken whether to replace the lock.
Why don't the gates open automatically with a 'beeper'?
We considered electronic gates but this would have meant installing electricity supply throughout the Estate and much greater expense, both initially and for continuing maintenance. The police, security firms and other estates with similar layouts to our own all advised us to go for the simplest possible option, with the least scope for things to go wrong.
Can I walk my dog on the service road?
Yes but you only have access to your zone. Please ensure you pick up your dog's poo and dispose of it sensibly for the sake of neighbours who also use the service road.