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behind odd nos. 3-11 Vale Lane, 41-231 Princes Gardens and 49-83 Tudor Gardens
This service road is managed by Hanger Hill Garden Estate Residents Association (HHGERA). We have to maintain it so it safe for residents, emergency vehicles and Ealing Council refuse collection lorries. The road is very old and has been gradually deteriorating for many years. Early in 2021 we gave notice by way of a hand-delivered circular to the 119 houses concerned, whose owners will have to share the cost under the HHGERA Constitution, that repairs were planned for the year.
A lot of work was done to refine the specification and schedule of work, and we got estimates from seven contractors. The three shortlisted firms’ estimates ranged between £13,800 and £20,809 plus VAT. There was still a bit of work to do to confirm the details – and of course raise funds from house owners – before placing the contract. But it has become clear since then that conditions post-lockdown made it impossible for the contractors to guarantee either prices (because of raw material shortages) or timing (because of labour bottlenecks).
The road surface will continue to deteriorate the longer repairs are delayed, but this happens slowly and we do not think the scope of the work will change significantly over the next 1-2 years. On balance therefore we have decided to postpone until the construction market stabilises. The work done won't be wasted, as the specification and contractor details will be kept on file. We will contact residents again when conditions are right to try again.
It is a requirement that house owners contribute to the maintenance of the service roads. Repairs costs are shared equally by the houses concerned and unpaid shares will be recovered through the courts if necessary.
We will review the situation ahead of the 2022 HHGERA Annual General Meeting and report back to residents then.
This work is a special project under the HHGERA Constitution so it cannot be paid for by annual service charge or HHGERA reserves.
Please forward any comments by email to serviceroads@hhgera.com.
If you are a Tenant email your landlord or agent details to serviceroads@hhgera.com.