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A new constitution
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 28 March 2019 approved a new constitution setting out the rules on how your Residents Association is run, after an extensive consultation and drafting exercise.
The change was needed because the old rules were badly out of date – they were written in 1993. Minor amendments were approved at the 2022 and 2023 HHGERA and Houses Management Board Annual General Meetings.
The new Constitution simplifies the way HHGERA is run by combining previously separate houses and flats committees. It sets out for the first time our duties on non-discrimination and data protection. And it defines more clearly the roles and responsibilities of the residents who do the work.
Within the overall structure, a Houses Management Board acts as managing agent for HHGER Ltd, which owns the service roads and gardens associated with houses on the Estate (there is a separate management company, HHGE Ltd, for the flats).
Click here for the full text of the HHGERA constitution and here for the 1993 rules it replaced.
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