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HHGERA and Houses Management Board


was held at 7:30pm on Thursday 25th March 2021

via Zoom video conference and online/paper vote

Click the underlined links to open supporting documents

Click here for minutes of the meeting (in draft until approved at the 2022 AGM)

  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of the 2020 HHGERA AGM

  3. Guest speakers: Hanger Hill ward councillors and police Safer Neighbourhood team

  4. Reports on activities of the Association in 2020
    - Chair's report on Estate-wide activities
    - Houses Management Board report

  5. Presentation of 2020 accounts and budget for 2021 - both approved

  6. HHGERA – activities on behalf of all residents (houses and flats):

    • Election of officers

    • Subscription rate for 2021 - no subscription will be charged

    • Events and activities in 2021

    • Litter and fly tipping

    • Home Energy Efficiency Ratings – discussion

    • Any other business

  7. Houses Management Board:


If you were unable to attend, you are welcome to contact the Association officers via the email


© Copyright Hanger Hill Garden Estate 2020

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