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Welcome to the Hanger Hill Garden Estate and its residents association 

The Association works for all residents of the Estate, whether living in the houses or flats; it is run entirely by volunteers and everyone who lives here is welcome to participate in its work.

Click here for our super Spring 2024 newsletter, here for information about our AGM on March 21st; here to learn more about the Association, use the Contact Form to email us or come along to one of our events.

Hanger Hill Garden Estate Residents Association (HHGERA) works for everyone who lives or owns property on our Estate. We have two distinct roles - as a community group for everyone who lives here, organising social events and liaising with Ealing Council and other local groups; and as manager of the communally-owned gardens (other than those surrounding the flats), the service roads behind houses, boundaries, fences and trees, and general security issues. We also monitor and respond to planning matters affecting the Estate. 

Note that the Association does not manage the blocks of flats on the Estate, which have their own management company (click here for information).


Follow the links on the left for more about the Estate, Association news and useful links to other sites.  If you have time, do read the fascinating and often moving history of the Estate -- from the early days when Hanger Hill was open countryside, to successive battles over development plans for the surrounding area.  


In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy the website - and our Twitter/X feed  @hhgeranews (which can be seen on the HHGE news page) and would welcome any feedback

What's new

Annual General Meeting: The residents association and Houses Management Board AGMs were held on March 21st 2024 at Holy Family School on Vale Lane. About 40 residents attended, along with two out of three of our local Ealing Councillors. Click here for minutes of the meeting. The AGM is when the people who run the Residents Association are elected. You can also hear about the Estate and ask questionsHouse owners also elect the Houses Management Board, which looks after the houses' shared gardens and service roads. (The flats on the Estate have their own different management company and service charge.) Click here to see the agenda and links to the meeting documents, and here to send any comments about the matters discussed

Houses service chargeThe Houses Management Board AGM approved an unchanged rate of £70 a house for 2025. Please pay the 2024 charge promptly if you haven't already, preferably online, and provide an email address if you would prefer to be contacted by email in future. You can email if you have any questions about the service charge and/or don't know how to pay.


Spring 2024 newsletter: Click here to download the latest edition of HHGERA News, the residents association newsletter. We always welcome contributions so do contact us via if you have an idea for an interesting story or would like to help produce future editions.

Crime preventionWe’re lucky to be in a low crime area by Ealing and London standards and HHGERA works closely with local Police to combat burglaries, antisocial behaviour and car crime. Some simple security measures can help keep the criminals at bay, so please always to keep service road gates locked, never keep valuables in your car and consider installing a doorbell camera - especially if you are often away. It's important always to report crimes if they do take place, as it helps Police to allocate resources in the right places.

Community events! PlayStreet is a scheme when we can close one of our roads to traffic for a couple of hours so that children can play and everyone can hang out and meet neighbours. It's been run by the same family since 2015 and we are now looking for some more people to get involved and keep this fun event going. Please contact if you might like to help with this or other community events, or to join the informal network of neighbours who keep our Estate clean and tidy between organised litter picking events.

Support still available: The wonderful network of volunteers set up at the height of the Covid pandemic is still there to help out if you need it. If you do need some help, if you would like to join in this community effort or if you are concerned about someone living on the Estate please email .

School street camera enforcement: Cameras have been issuing tickets to any cars that enter the controlled zone of Vale Lane outside Holy Family School during dropping-off and picking-up times (8.15-9.15am and 3-4pm). Exemptions are only available for people who live inside the zone - not the generality of residents on our Estate. We have been assured that the cameras will be turned off during school holidays, but any cars parked in the zone during controlled hours in term time will be ticketed unless they have a permit. 

Rubbish, recycling and litter: Please be considerate to your neighbours by NEVER parking on service roads, as this blocks the recycling lorries; ONLY putting rubbish into the appropriate bin; picking up any litter you see, and reporting missed collections via the Ealing Council website. 

Skip permits: You need a permit to put a skip on any of the service roads that belong to the houses part of the Estate - click here to download the form.

Volunteers needed: Would you like to contribute to our community by joining the volunteers who work to maintain our lovely Estate? It needn't take up much of your time and is a great way to get to know your neighbours.  Email to find out more. 

Ultra-low Emission zone: Click here to check if and how your car may be affected.

© Copyright Hanger Hill Garden Estate 2020

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